I never understood the point in hiring actor's and actresses to advertise a product. These are people who are trained and paid to lie from a day to day bases depending on the job. They are there because they are good at remembering (supposedly) and pretending (deffinately). So why is it we should trust these people? How do they expect us to know that these people arent liars?
Commercials are dumb. They really are. Its amazing to watch and read the moch-up company names to help advertise their product. Meat Lover Enthusiest, The Tomorrow Tribune and The Future Is Now Magazine. I mean seriously, wtf?
-Space Age Foam Technology.
This is a good one.
-Origionaly devloped by NASA.
Lets stop and think a moment (or way too damn much if your me) The people at NASA were toying around with foam to be used in space as beds for astronaughts (or so we are told) which is cool! Astrnaughts do need to sleep and I glad that they are being thought of to that extent. But why would they need a bad when they are sleeping... IN SPACE!?
-Stain Fighting Technology!
Theres a science devoted to fighting stains? Thats it? No other job's out there?
-It really works or your money back!
Only one part of that statement is true... and yes, I did get my money back.
How about when you watch the History Channel? Everything you see "changed the course of war" which is cool, I love those specials because I get to learn about shit no one else cares about and makes girls think I am weird.
-The Radar
Changed the course of war! (right turn)
-The Jet Engine
Changed the course of war! (right turn)
-The Trench
Changed the course of war! (right turn)
-The Machine Gun
Changed the course of war! (right turn)
... the fuck it did! According to my calculations, our military just ran us in a circle. Afterall, in a war there is no peaceful or happy outcome because it only leads to death and retaliation. Rather ironic, dont you think?
Now for the RIAA.
Theres no fucking way I am paying $15 for a movie when the only things I can think about when I walk away is how the theater was too loud and dirty. How the seat was too uncomfortable. Knowing the director's knew how much the movie was going to suck but didnt care because the deal was sealed and the cash has already been delieverd. Knew that if they dazzle the audience with special effects, they would forget how much the acting, directing and plot sucked. Please believe me, when you know how its done, its really not that special.
Theres no fucking way I am going to pay another $15 for a cd. I dont give a fuck about the people performing the songs and I especially dont give a fuck about the people who wrote, produced and recorded the songs. Have any of you actually listend to that shit in the last 10 years? It fucking sucks. Not all of it, but deffinately most of it. Celine Dion, Brittney Speaers, Justin Timberlake, Piddle and the rip off crew of talentless fucks er I mean P Diddy and his friends. And god, I'm sorry to say this but, Elton John, Aerosmith and the Rolling Stones... with special thanks to you three, you are living proof that it doesnt get better with age. You all suck these days too. Butt Rocking homo's admitting your sexuality to gain a larger audience, slutting your slop on stage for the extra dollar.
To finalize this statement to you RIAA, your allowing people to put out trash and your expecting us, the consumer, to pay for it.
LL Cool J said it best "Heh... I dont think so." Oh yah, maybe Metallica should be held responsable for bringing the whole p2p thing into the public light, pony up the dough for the cash lost because of it and issue a formal appology for their last album. Of which by the way, was available for full download 1 week before its release. Thank fucking god I didnt pay for that one either. [delete]
I do hope the people who are stealing from these people and companies keep stealing, steal it more and share it with their friends. I think that instead of being worried about every last penny, these companies should worry more about the quality of product they are producing. And then! Maybe then! ... people will actually want to start buying it again.
Heh, thanks again for reading that rant. I may or may not of been telling the truth in these short, badly structured articles because they are just thoughts after all... have a good night!